I still think about Starbucks a lot, and how I want it but I just don't have time in my lifestyle for it anymore. It's like we're breaking up and it's starting to hurt the way my head does by 11AM if I haven't had any caffeine.
The thing is, I've become a person of routine, more so than when I was in Boston. New York is a city of routine, five minutes late to the cross-town bus and your whole morning is thrown off. So after my ride through the park on the m72 and then over to the 1/9 down to Houston, I don't have time to walk those extra five blocks (five, can you even believe it) to get to the closest Starbucks. I see them at a distance as I gaze out of the bus window, they flash by a blur of green and light and I can almost taste the richness of Coupage del Sol, hot and comforting.
However now, it's just not working out. I'm pretty sad about it too, but I don't know what else to do. I have (and I don't even know if I can admit this but I'm going to) been going to...well...dunkin donuts. ffftttt!!
I know. I really do. Please, forgive me. I can't even really write it without shaking my head in overall disgust at how my lifestyle is regressing to such an extent that it's as though I'm living in the middle of suburbia and not the largest metropolitan city in the world. Have I really thrown away all my good taste for the sake of routine? Is this what urban living has brought me to? I’ve already given up any semblance of a young person’s life by working all the time and being too poor to go out, so is this, now, the last thing to go, the final straw in what is going to make me a solely single routine-driven person for the rest of my life?
I’m okay.
It’s like Emerson once wrote, consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Whatever that means.
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