May 20, 2007

because you can't plan the weather.

Sometimes when you lose something you never thought you’d ever really lose, you begin to realize you’re losing more than just that – you begin to realize you’re losing things like: time, your mind, the reason why you get up in the morning and breathe in and breathe out.

And people in Manhattan with their maps on bright and sunny Saturdays lose themselves and start to feel that panic too, that loss of time and their minds Haven’t we already been on this corner? Have we just gone around in a circle? Because we like things out in the open where we can see them. We don’t like things to be lost: keys, chances, loves, afternoons, favorite t-shirts. We spend our days trying to find things, recapture them or claim them. Get, not lose. Acquire, not let go.

But bright and sunny Saturdays can just as quickly turn to dark and stormy ones. And then lost tourists have no choice but to ditch their maps and run, accept the loss, the socks that won’t dry for another few hours, and their inability now to have enough time to make it all the way uptown to see the Guggenheim.

Now they do only what the rest of us do who feel like we’re losing things like time and our minds and the reason why we get up in the morning – simply take shelter and wait for the storm to subside.

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