The thing about knowing is that we always think we do. We always think we know more, know better, know enough to get ahead or get what we want, or just get by.
But as much as you know:
how frequently the subway comes
the number beer for you is one-too-many
what you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend
why you came to new york
your favorite color
Just as easily, one day you:
find it derail and it never shows up.
drink more than you should
find someone who surprises you
realize that all your reasons have changed.
find that maybe green is the new black.
Because you can never know, and that's the scary part. You can never know from one day to the next what's going to happen to change everything in your life and make you walk to work, throw up on the sidewalk, or kiss someone you never thought would.
We like to think we're all smarter than we are, that we've been through so much we must have learned our lessons by now - but what can you know in a city with so many people about who you really are?
You just...Never. Know. when...what you know is always changing.
And in a city with so many people it's impossible to catch up - and you know more than you think (I think), if you let yourself know at least that.
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