May 18, 2008

Backyard BBQ

"Are you sure we’re going in the right direction?"
She said as we got off the wrong stop on the L
heading to a friends place I’d already been to before.
I’m the exception to the only-men-never-stop-for-directions rule.
It’s inevitable that on a stretch of concrete patio
in Williamsburg, that I will meet someone who lived
down the street from me when I lived in Boston, and
now lives two blocks away from me in New York.
Why is it that grown men always stand over the grill
and stare down at the flames in an almost-trance,
each one of them always acting like they know best?
It’s done. Give it 5 more minutes. Someone hand me the spatula!
Afternoons always pass much faster than they should
when the sun is out and you’ve had more beers than
you were ever planning when you started.
He didn’t say much and didn’t have the slightest clue
as to what I was talking about, so I just kept right on talking.
Most of the time when we go out looking for it,
it finds us and we hardly know the difference.
After all this time in New York, nothing surprises me anymore.
I think I could stand for a change.

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