February 14, 2007

Today people talked about snow and love.

They talked about how cold it was outside, how the sleet this morning was pelting down on the top of their heads and the black slushy snow was clogging up the sidewalks. They talked about how much more snow other people got, how Rob in Syracuse got eight feet, and their cousin Rita got three in Chicago. “We were lucky, really,” they said. “Rob was out there shoveling snow that was over his car! You couldn’t see Rob’s car!”

Then they talked about their dinner plans and the flowers they got and the chocolates (that they can’t eat too many of) and teddy bears that were waiting for them at home. They talked about all the money they had to spend in order to keep Jackie happy, how the florist was out of roses this morning (that’s what happens when you wait to the last minute), and how now a card needed to be crafted after their 11AM meeting but before their 3PM out of office letterhead cardstock paper and the markers from the dry erase board in the conference room.

But tonight the snow has stopped, the roads (mainly) are clear. Rob out West might still be in trouble as it doesn’t stop snowing there until May, but Jackie will be happy (though her boyfriend won’t be able to pay March rent)

Snow and love makes everyone crazy, and by tomorrow it will all be gone - the snow anyway.

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