May 3, 2006

The Last 48 Hours

Have been sick for the last 48 hours and have consumed so many liters of Gatorade and so many Nyquil caplets that I don’t even feel like a functioning human being anymore.

Awake yesterday after having had to leave work early the day before due to high fever and exploding headache, I was trying to watch some tv before the massive amounts of over the counter medication kicked in. I don’t know how people don’t work. There’s nothing even good on tv during the day, and, too comatose to read I was forced to sit in front of it for a good portion of the afternoon hours yesterday.

Even sick, I was getting stir crazy, wanting to get back to my real life and away from the world of daytime talk shows and soap operas. I actually watched (regrettably) an entire episode of Date My Mom, which, I have to say, is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen.

I am in no way looking forward to going back to work tomorrow (fever subsiding or not) to the stacks of work that will inevitably have piled up in my absence. Even if I am feeling better, getting back there and frantically plowing through missed work in a struggle to catch up, will bring me right back to where I started two days ago, feverish with a headache.

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