January 3, 2008

new years revolutions.

The gyms are packed and the speed-dating courses at the 92nd Street Y are full.

Stores in Soho are empty as newly financially responsible shoppers are keeping their wallets at bay.

Bad foods and alcohol and cigarettes are being thrown away all over this great city.

But The Chill is here (hands digging deep in pockets and faces stinging) at 12 degrees (and dropping fast) can we really all be expected to give up our vices and resolve to be better people, people we’re not?

Soon the gyms will be empty and hearts and hopes will be dashed.

Spring clothes will appear in windows and new credit cards will have no choice but to be opened.

Burgers and beer and Basics will start appearing on kitchen counters.

And The Chill will be gone, and we’ll go back to being the people we’re meant to be.

1 comment:

LN said...

and that's why I never make New Years Resolutions. Ever. I resolute to not make any resolutions.