October 12, 2009


All the subways were shut down in the city this weekend. A/C/E/1/2/3 every train that we rely on to get us to where we need to go, stopped running on a regular schedule causing us to seek alternate routes. They said that they wanted to get to the major problems they’d been needing to fix all at once before the colder weather officially set in.

Waiting for over thirty minute for the only downtown local train (and note the cold weather is officially here) I started to think that maybe the MTA was on to something. We do always wait to the last minute don’t we, to address what’s wrong? It’s easy not to take the time to oil the squeaky parts of our lives, to replace the things that just aren’t working as well as they used to. In the end it’s easy to just convince ourselves that somehow, some way, magically our problems will just fix themselves.

J/M/Z/4/5/6 we never learn, do we? In a city that moves so fast who has the time to see the gaping holes in the frame that is holding us up, the parts that are starting to rot and wither and get worse the longer they’re left. Our trouble spots are there hanging in front of us and yet we hope and pray under our breath that not everything will fall to pieces all at once. Please, just not now, we plead. But somehow, some way, they always do.

Walking forty blocks on a cold Saturday night to get home with the city getting operated on beneath my feet, it was hard not to realize that perhaps it’s time to start addressing all the things in my life that need fixing. Maybe then, in the end, I’d decrease my chances of getting hurt.

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